Sunday, June 9, 2013

Over Worked Under Paid

I'm feeling unappreciated these days.

If my husband comes home from work and promptly leaves to golf one more day this week I may lose it.

Such it the life of a stay at home mom. People get so used to having things done for them they forget that clothes don't clean and fold themselves and that dinner didn't make itself and jump onto the table promptly at 5:30. I would love to know what it felt like to get up in the morning and take a nice long hot shower while someone else made my coffee and my lunch. I would love to sit down to a meal that I didn't make, didn't plan, or do the shopping for. I would LOVE to actually get off of work. You know, an actual end to the work any point before 8:30 after fighting kids to sleep.

Life really isn't all that bad, just one of those days where I'm feeling sorry for myself and how 'rough' I have it. I think I'm going to order this coffee mug to sip wine coffee from on the days I need to wallow in self- pity before pulling it together and getting back to work.

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