Thursday, December 20, 2012

Let It Snow!

I woke up entirely too early this morning to nurse my now one year old (seriously kid? I thought we would be done with this by now-or at least only do so during normal waking hours.) and looked out the window to see snow falling.

As an adult I find the snow less appealing than I did as a child. I guess when there is no such thing as a snow day and you DO feel when your fingers are going numb from being outside in the wet stuff too long, it looses a little bit of its magic. I also know my husband has to drive an hour to work in the stuff long before the plows make their appearance. I was a little annoyed by it all, kissed my husband good bye and went back to bed.

When morning came (the real morning, when the sun is at least starting to make its appearance and mostly when you cannot convince children to sleep any longer) Amelia came bouncing into the room and pulled the blinds to check to see if it was moring (and therefore if she could be up.) She started bouncing, yelling, "It's snowing time! It's snowing time!" She excitedly ran from room to room lifting blinds and announcing, "It's snowing time in my room! It's snowing time in the living room! It's snowing time in the kitchen too!"

The snow hasn't lost it's magic for her! She begged me to open the front door and she and Marinn watched out the screen door as the snow continued to fall. She cried when I told her we couldn't go out and play and informed me that she and Daddy would be making a snow man.

Because recently sick children will not be going out to play in this snow we made snowman pancakes to compensate. I'm sure it will only be a little while before she's begging to go outside, but for the moment she's satisfied!


I think there will be hot chocolate and Chritmas movies in our future today!

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