Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"It Was Boinging on My Fingers"

Mornings when daddy is home are always fun. He pretends he is letting me sleep in by retrieving our children when they awake and throwing them into our bed where he promptly buries himself under the covers and attempts to go back to bed.

These morning bed sessions usually have some pretty sweet stories of sisters loving so nicely on each other, mommy or daddy being smothered in kisses, or tales of elaborate dreams of castles and M & M's being told. Occasionally they go a little more like this:

A sleepy face Amelia crawled into our bed and snuggled deep under the covers between daddy and I. She rolled over and grabbed my face and kissed me only to quickly pull away and tell me, "Your breaths is stinky. You need to get them out of there."

Laughing and burying myself deeper beneath the covers I tried to close my eyes again.

"I got rid of my boogers," Amelia announced proudly.

"You did what?! Where did you get rid of them?!" I was wide awake now.

"They were in my nose and they were stuck in there and I couldn't get them out," she continued to tell her tale with the full arm-flailing, hand-talking glory.

"When that happens you get a tissue. You don't use anything else to get them out." I scolded. "When did you get them out?"

"I was just laying in my bed and it was boinging on my fingers," she announced, wide-eyed with her fingers making a pinching motion.

Sitting straight up in bed, I was determined to find out the placement of said 'boinging things.' There was no going back to sleep now, only the innate desire to run far from this booger covered child lying beside me on my pillow.

"Where are they now?" I asked.

Proudly Amelia opened her mouth wide and with both hands inserted her pointer fingers deep into her mouth.

"You ate them?!? Amelia Ann, that is disgusting!"

"Ok, sorry mom. I'm hungry, look outside it's morning. Let's get up."

May this story come back to haunt you, Amelia, as it will me when I lay down on my pillow tonight.

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