Monday, May 27, 2013

A Hiatus

It's been so long.

I feel like I have nothing to say and everything to say at the same time.

I took a little hiatus from blogging/social networking/anything of the sorts. Not only did I deactivate my Facebook account but I cleared my phone of recent calls and text messages daily and kept texting and phone talking to a minimum. A detox.

There was no profound moment where I thought to myself, "It's time to get back into the real world and nurture real relationships, not founded on posts and text messages," but, reflecting on it now, I think that is exactly why I did it.

It's been refreshing to not have every one's business in my face everyday courtesy of posts, over-sharing the happenings in one's life. The fact that people would type something, forever engraving statement, that they would never find appropriate to speak still amazes me. I didn't realize how much other people's problems actually stressed me out when I invited them into my world through these means. And I'll be honest, the judgement that poured out of me for every 'drunken selfie' picture I saw was more than I could contain.

Not feeling the need to haul my phone around with me all day and answer every call has been refreshing. Turns out I think I would prefer to have a house phone (gasp!) and when I'm busy, outside, or not home, not feel an obligation to anyone except myself and those whom I'm with. I did carry my phone with me when I left the house (I have small children so for safety reasons felt it appropriate), however, I tried not to answer it unless necessary while I was with other people and never when sitting at a table having a meal with someone.

It's been effortless to be in the moment and leave all of these things to the side. Being a stay at home mom who would constantly be on Facebook as a distraction from the mundane, I found it a little shocking. I was the one wanting to call my mother every time one of my children did some unspeakable thing (which is an everyday occurrence in our home) just because I wanted adult conversation and a break from those rotten girls.

I checked my Facebook account last night for the first time in a month and a half and after about a minute of scrolling I realized I don't miss it. I don't miss wasting countless amounts of time out of my life trying to keep up with the happenings in other's.

This may not be a forever thing, for all I know next week I can be drowning in posts, texts, and countless blogs, but for now this suits my life and I'm embracing it.

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