Sunday, June 1, 2014

What's in the Garden

I had to come inside from planting and weeding the garden to cool off and reapply sunscreen so I thought I would take a minute to share what is in the garden this year. My long term goal is to grow all the vegetables my family eats, but since that is not practical for me to attempt this year the goal is to establish a good garden plot and grow a portion of our food. Since we are starting with a yard full of grass just getting the plot cleared and planted was a task. Many, many hours later we had our 25' x 45' cleared and ready for planting.

After researching where to get non GMO seeds I came across Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, who sells all types of open air pollinated heirloom seeds. They have the best story as to how they got started in seeds and a huge variety of seeds to choose from.  You can find more on them HERE. After deciding I would buy my seeds from them my dilemma became narrowing down my selections to a reasonable amount for our first year of gardening. (If you ever get a chance to browse their catalog you will see why that was so hard to do!) Here is what we planted:


19' x 14' plot- 12 of each of the two varieties


6' x 10' plot - 9 of each of the three varieties


8' x 8' plot

Cucumbers: 10' x 7' plot


8' x 10' plot


14' x 14' plot- 9 of each variety


8' x 10' plot


8' x 14' plot


In addition to the garden we also have a 15' x 20' plot for our corn


4' x 30' plot (separate from garden)- 12 of each variety


4' x 30' plot (separate from garden)-12 of each variety

Alright, back out to battle the weeds!

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