Monday, June 1, 2015

Fishin' & Weedin'

After a long rainy spell the weather finally turned in my favor and it's drying out! I have spent the past week fretting over my garden, its infestation with grass and weeds, my inability to weed or plant and the fact my plants are drowning and yellowing. My children have spent the past week cooped up inside or limited to the driveway to play. It hasn't been pretty. But today, oh today..... There was sun, there was (relatively) dry ground and there was sun!

We decided to embrace the nice weather and packed a picnic lunch and went out to find a lake to take our girls fishing. I'm pretty sure I haven't fished since I was about 12. Whoever I went fishing with said I couldn't fish if I couldn't bait my own hook so I set out to do it, no big deal. Except it was a big deal and 12 year old me was a bit of a priss. I stabbed a hook through a minnow and it bled. I gagged, pranced around, made a scene and then gave up fishing. My husband knows this story so I sort of expected he would spare me the trauma and just bait my hooks all day. Nope. Luckily it was just worms and my children were around or this whole fishing bit may not have happened. I have a rule where I can't react to new situations with any bias so that I don't scare the girls off from trying new things. This rule led to worm poop and blood on my hands and only under my breath ewwing. I survived and caught the first fish of my adult life, which I was pretty proud of. My kid caught a fish and wouldn't hold it by the mouth, but decided to pet it and snuggle against it. My other kid reminded me why we hadn't previously tried the whole fishing bit. Next time I'm making the husband rig her reel with a fake fish so she can pretend all day because that girl has no patience and probably said a minimum for 50 times that she was ready to go. Regardless, I think we had enough fun that we will forget the torture that is fishing with toddlers and go again!

When we got home we decided to take advantage of the dry-ish ground and I FINALLY got to pull some weeds out of the garden. It will take hours to clear it and I may never finish, but boy did it feel good to get out there! Some of the yellowing of my plants seems to be going away so the garden may not be a flop after all. (Like how dramatic I can be? I blame 12 year old me, such a drama queen.)

The girls worked and played so hard that they are sleeping away in their beds, slightly sun-kissed because I never remember to put sunscreen on them...

It was a good day. 

P.S. Feel free to come help me pull weeds!

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