Sunday, April 8, 2012

bumps and bruises

As I was dressing my girls in their Easter dresses I cringed as I slipped the dress down over Amelia and saw the large number of scrapes and bruises down her shins. I wanted them to look perfect so I could get a few good pictures in before they hunted for the eggs we colored. I grabbed a pair of white tights and started working them up onto her wiggly legs and as I approached the scrapped knee I realized this was pointless. If I put these tights on her it would be a mere matter of minutes before they would either be dirty or torn.

I took them off (to her relief) and stepped back and took a good look at her. Her hair was neatly combed, her  big eyes were sparkling, her dress neatly pressed, and her shoes were clicking on the floor as she raised to her toes and dropped back to her heals and peaking out below the skirt of her dress were a half a dozen bruises and scrapes.

As she stood there asking, "How am I look?"
I told her, "You look beautiful! You look like my Amelia!"

Those bumps and bruises are a part of who she is; a curious little girl who shows no fear. I have such pride as I watch her explore her world and try new things. She never cries at the failed attempts, but gets up and tries at it again until she's accomplished what she's set out to do. It's an innate part of her so I can take no credit but I do hope to always foster an atmosphere that will allow her to keep this part of her. I can't help but well up with pride when I look to the future and think of what great things she will be able to accomplish.

So I think from now on I'll look at those bumps and bruises and take them as she does, with a smile on my face as I watch her set out to do new things!

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