Saturday, April 26, 2014

Girly Super Hero Cape

We went to a birthday party for one of my favorite little people and needed the perfect gift. Amelia knew exactly what she wanted to get her: dress up clothes! I loathe the princess collection you find in the stores so we compromised and made a super hero cape for her to dress up in. Flowers and ruffles make it frilly and earn Amelia's approval-very important!

Like most things I make, it was a 'figure it out as you go.'  I love the end result and the girls did too, so much so that I had to make a couple more for them! (And how could I say no when Amelia said they give you the super power of growing a garden?)


1/2 yard of two coordinating fabrics
Coordinating thread
No sew Heat N Bond
Velcro circles
Optional: tee shirt paint to embellish emblem

Getting Started

I dug into my fabric stash and found 1/2 yards of coordinating fabrics.  From them I cut out 2-24" x 18" rectangles, 2-2"x 20" strips and 2-2"x 36" strips, one from each of the two different fabrics.

To give it a cape shape I tapered the 2 24" x 18" rectangles, cutting them at an angle from the bottom corner to 2" inside the top corner on each side.

To make the emblem I traced a bowl with a 6" diameter and added scallops to the edges.

I cut a 4 1/2" square and traced a letter onto it and cut it out.

Using no sew heat n bond I placed the letter in the center of the circle and the circle onto the cape, placing it centered 6" from the bottom edge of the cape.

Placing the cape right sides together, sew the two long sides with a 1/4" seam allowance. Turn right side out and press seams flat. Then turn the bottom edges under 1/4" and iron.

Place the 2"x 36" strips of fabric right sides together and sew using a 1/8" seam allowance down both short sides and one long side. Turn right side out and press seams.

Using a wide spaced running stitch and 1/4" seam allowance, stitch the open end without back stitching. Pull one end of thread until the fabric bunches evenly to 17 1/2" wide.

Place inside the bottom edge of cape, different fabrics together, and pin into place. Sew over top using 1/4" seam allowance.

Using the wide spaced running stitch again, run a stitch along the top of the cape 1/4" from the top. Pull one thread until evenly bunched to 10" wide.

Place 2"x 20" strips right sides together and round both ends. Sew, using a 1/8" seam allowance, from 5" from end of the first long side, around the short end, the length of the long side, around the short end and 5" into the first long side. This will create a pocket to fit the cape into. Turn right side out and press seam, turning the un-sewn edge under and pressing as well.

Place the top edge of cape into the opening (different fabrics together) until 1/4" is overlapped. Pin into place and sew a top stitch with 1/8" seam allowance.

Place velcro circles onto the edges of top tie to secure cape into place.

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