Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Best Girls

I feel so lucky to get to watch my girls grow and change. 

It never ceases to amaze me that I made these little people. They grew in my belly and during that time I would dream of what life would be like with them in it. 

The reality is so much sweeter than the dreams.

There are more challenges than I ever anticipated, but as the days pass those aren't the things I remember. I remember the sweet words whispered into the ear of a tiny baby as a big sister tells her, "We're best girls Marinn because I love you, love you." I remember the excitement in Amelia's face as she rushed in to greet the sleepy face in the crib. I remember seeing Marinn buried under a pile of toys as a big sister was 'sharing' so nicely. I remember the way Marinn laughed whole-heartedly only for her big sister. I remember the soothing voice Amelia used to comfort a cranky baby strapped into the car seat. 

They are so little yet they have such a strong connection already. They make me want to love bigger and give my love more freely. They are still untainted by the world and only know who they are and what they feel. 

In a way I envy that. It seems as though as we get older and experience more we become more reserved, more aware of other peoples perceptions, a little selfish, and we aren't always true to ourselves. 

I hope they are always 'best girls' and I want to do everything I can to help foster a strong relationship between them. It is the greatest feeling looking in the rearview mirror at two sweet, smiling faces. My best girls.

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