Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Who Has Peanuts?

While I was busy cooking in the kitchen Amelia came in and pulled a chair over to the counter to watch. After a few minutes of standing there she started asking questions in regular, curious two year old fashion.

"Who has peanuts?" she asked.

"I don't know" I responded, not looking up from my cooking. 
She continued asking over and over until I turned to her and said, 
"I don't know, do you have peanuts?"

She looked at me like I was crazy then grabbed 
herself and yelled, "NO! I have a beee-hind!"

"Oh, you mean a penis?" 
I couldn't hold back the laughter as she
 stood there looking so serious. 
(She was none too pleased with my laughter.)

About a week ago we had friends over for a visit and she barged in the bathroom while the two year old boy was standing using the restroom. Afterwards I had to clean up many messes and change many outfits as Amelia would sneak into the bathroom and attempt the impossible feat of standing to pee.

We had a talk about boys having penises and that is why they can stand. I didn't want to dwell too much on it since this curious girl always talks about such important, newly learned information at the worst times (like in the check out line at the grocery store.)

She retired to the boring old method of sitting and the problem was solved and not spoke of again.

Until yesterday...

After briefly explaining that everyone has "behinds" and that girls have vaginas and boys have penises she unloaded question after question:

Does daddy have a penis?
Does baby Winston have a penis?
Does Lucas (the dog) have a penis?
Does Marinn? No that's silly!

On and on she went. I think she gets the point but now she will most likely announce at the most awkward time that you have a penis/vagina. Sorry in advance. One thing is for sure, there is never a dull moment in our house!

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