Thursday, July 12, 2012

Moving in the Right Direction

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a crawler!

Tonight, in the midst of chaos and in the middle of the worlds messiest floor, my baby started crawling! We knew this was coming for a little while now, Marinn is quite the over-achiever. (I think she is trying to catch up to big sister.) She rolled over at two months, sat on her own at 4 months, got her first tooth at 4 months, and earlier this month started signing for milk. She is never content to sit still and has been worming her way around the house for a while by scooting backwards, spinning circles, and rolling around. More recently she started rocking up onto her knees and sitting herself up. Andy and I have been joking that she would start crawling and we wouldn't know it because we've been stalking watching her, waiting for it to happen. (Over compensating for doing things different the second time around?) And then it did! Those chubby knees lifted off the floor and she actually moved forward!

No matter how much anticipation, it turns out I was way under prepared. If my mom weren't on Skype with me at the time I think I may have actually cried. I'm not ready for my baby to be so big! I get why the first thing veteran moms tell you after giving birth is to enjoy it because it goes too fast- it's because it does! I want to freeze time and stay in these moments a little longer. I want to take a little more time loving on them and a little less time worrying about the state of the house or the laundry piling up.

It's a bittersweet feeling watching your babies grow. It's so great to see them grow and change and discover new things and I have the greatest sense of pride when they hit big milestones (and really, the littlest ones too!) yet it's sad because it goes so fast and no matter how hard you wish for it, you can't slow it down. 

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